Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 1. Arriving in Chengdu!

I received a super warm welcome at the Chengdu International airport by the Project Panda welcoming committee. After a quick briefing about the days schedule I was accompanied to my hotel by a driver who could easily participate in  Formula 1.

At the hotel all the pambassador candidates were introduced to each other and we were told that a party would be held later that night.

The party was more like a small city festival and I don't think any of the candidates were prepared for such an event. It was, for lack of a better word,  extravagant! The square was filled with curious citizens and Chinese media. In the midst of all the commotion I was presented to my lovely host family who guided me through the night.

As I was left alone in my awesome hotel room at the end of the night I couldn't help myself starring in the mirror and asking "what just happened".

I went to sleep with a big smile.

Pambassador out!

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