Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 3, Taking care of the panda!

Today was all about learning the necessary skills of how to take care of the Pandas in the Chengdu panda base. And let me tell you there is allot of that needs to be taken care of and can be hard work at times, but the dream team Chriszelda, Yumiko and me were to excited to feel any hardship at all.

 Me and Chris sprinkling and mopping

 The panda feces

 Chris giving my hair a brush, doesn't help though my hair lives its own life.

 Everything needs to be recorded , our panda expert to Harry(to the right) explains all the details.

 Today me and Chris cleaned Mei Lan's room, her feces where soft and weighed 8kg. by the color of the feces light green yellowish we could determine that she had eaten more of the bamboo shots. Yumiko cleaned Xiong Bangs room and collected a sum of 12 kg of feces!

 Panda food! Bamboo shoots.
 Meil lan giving us the puppy eyes as we feed Xiong Bang on the other side of the enclosure.
So we fed her some apples as well.

We continued our fantastic day with cleaning the whole outdoor enclosure for the 5 young panda clowns.

The boys are locked up in their indoor room while we are outside cleaning. But of course they know that a reward is coming their way.

First we got to wash them with a hose and the young pandas really enjoyed the fresh water. 
 After we got to feed them with apples and panda cakes, the same cakes I described in a earlier post.

 Chris working hard picking up feces

 I'm analyzing the smell as I pick up the feces in my smurf suite.

Really hard to get the feces out from between the bamboo wood.

 The guys are allowed to go back and seem to enjoy their clean habitat and the food Yumiko carried put out them.

 This panda is making sure we cleaned every spot of the enclosure

A final goodbye before we leave the pandas.
Later we made our way to the WWF office in Chengdu where we met the staff and learned about the ongoing projects and efforts from WWF in Chengdu. Some of the WWF's main focus points are:
1. Monitoring the natural reserves
2. Educating the surrounding community
3. Sustainable harvesting

 We aslo learn that next year is the 50th birthday of  WWF. Happy birthday! What really made the day even more amazing was a thank you letter  from Isabella Louis the Interim representativ of WWF China. In the letter we are all invited to become honorary volunteers for WWF China and continue our work to be advocates for panda conservation

Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!

Pambassador (candidate) Ali