Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 1 Welcome party

The candidates chatting in the hotel lobby

Welcome party is about to begin

My host family 

On stage after brief self introduction

Annelijn bravely holding a speech on behalf of the pambassador candidates

We were presented to classical Chinese performances, Sichuan Opera, changing face theater. Modern and traditional songs were also performed.

Group presentation x2. I'm doing my famous double hand wave. This move can also be used as a SOS call when stranded on an island.

I tried some panda food. A bread that tasted suspiciously similar to Swedish "black bread".

 Extremely healthy (almost to healthy) Swedish "full bran" dark bread. There we have it Swedish people eat panda bread every morning. (also good for digestion).

As if the night was not fun enough, we also had the chance to fly sky lanterns. Originally a military weapon invented by Kongming. Just as fun as fireworks but they last longer.

My beautiful room where I spend my nights either in front of the computer or in the bed sleeping.

Being as I am a detail freak, I first found this rope hanger very unnecessary in the shower cabin...

...soon however I realize that a place to dry a towel at night so it's dry for the morning shower, or a place to hang your oiled up t-shirt because your chopstick skills are not hot pot safe, is indeed not a unnecessary detail in the shower cabin.

It's time for me to turn on the snooze machine and go to panda dreamland.

Thank you for reading my blog and hope to see you soon.

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